
How Certifications Equip Users with a Competitive Edge | News & Events | TRU Staffing Partners

Written by TRU Staffing Partners | December 12, 2018 at 5:00 AM

As the new year approaches, many of us are thinking about how to better ourselves. TRU CEO and Founder Jared Coseglia teamed up with Relativity to investigate whether certified professionals—in this case, RCAs—had a competitive advantage over those without the designation. Read about the findings HERE and think about whether a new certification is the resolution for you!

The new year presents a great opportunity to strategize on advancing your career. For many Relativity community members, this means adding a certification to their belt.

Like any substantial goal, certifications take a good deal of work. Users spend months poring over study materials to take an exam. But few rewards are as immediately sweet as updating your LinkedIn profile with your new credential.

Of course, certifications have other, longer-term benefits, too. They show that you put in the work to enhance your knowledge and skillset in a given area, and that kind of validation can help you stand out in the crowd.

Click HERE to read the full article!