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Saying Yes: Applying Theatre Skills to Building an Inc. 5000 Staffing Company, with Jared Coseglia

TRU Staffing Partners June 7, 2021 at 11:00 PM
Saying Yes: Applying Theatre Skills to Building an Inc. 5000 Staffing Company, with Jared Coseglia

When 9/11 happened, TRU founder and CEO Jared Coseglia had to give up his career as a theatre director and landed an admin job in a recruitment company. Twenty years later, he’s the CEO of an award-winning staffing business that not only survived but actually thrived during the pandemic.

In this interview with Mark Whitby, host of "The Resilient Recruiter" podcast, Jared shares his experience of building a highly successful recruiting and staffing company. One of the keys to growing your recruitment business is identifying, recruiting, mentoring and retaining the best people. Jared gave specific suggestions on how to recruit recruiters and then create an environment where they can achieve their potential. He also revealed his secrets to building a brand through thought-leadership and PR.

Listen to the full episode HERE!